It all starts by owning your business...

without it owning you!

It all starts by owning your business...
without it owning you!

Serve God

Thrive in Business

Live a Life of Impact

Our proven blueprint helped us build dozens of businesses, achieve financial freedom, and launch self-sustaining ministry initiatives around the world.



You started a business so that you could have the freedom you want and the impact you love. But instead...

You're busier than before you started

You’re stuck working IN your business instead of ON it

Need for income is greater than your ability for impact

You need a clear road map to freedom

You want a passive income foundation

Your work/life balance is not so balanced

Does any of this sound familiar? 

We took our 40 years of experience building businesses—the triumphs as well as the mistakes—and put it all into a course for you.


The Six Module Course Designed to Turn Your Business Into a Vehicle For Freedom and Kingdom Impact

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

Mastering Small Business is Your Key to...

Financial Freedom

Stop working for money and get your money working for you so you can do all the things God has laid on your heart.

A Thriving Business

Build a money machine that works for you and becomes your engine for impact around the world.

A Life of Impact

Use your strengths to live out of your faith through your expertise and resources in business.


Why We Created This Course:


We started our first business with barely two nickels to rub together and no formal training whatsoever, but we were armed with the principles of God’s Word, passed down from our pastor Dad and our own study since we were boys. As we applied these truths to our business we watched our work flourish right before our eyes. Our little business grew to 100 locations in 35 states in just seven years. And from there we began building new businesses in different industries, applying the same principles across each new startup. 

Eventually, our passive income from investments exceeded our active income from business, so we were able to remove ourselves from the day-to-day activities of running our companies to focus solely on impacting the world. We had all the money and margin we needed to focus exclusively on ministry across multiple initiatives. 

We’re so thankful for what God has allowed us to do, but we’d be foolish to keep it all to ourselves. We need to pass it on!

This is why we created Expert Ownership and this course, Mastering Small Business. All our years of building financial freedom through a thriving business have given us the ability to achieve impact for God. And we want to help you do the same - so that together we can live out our faith, provide for our families, and have an impact for God around the world!

Our book covers the 12-steps of Expert Ownership and gives you the foundation you need to build a thriving kingdom business. Mastering Small Business takes the key concepts from the book and dives deep to help you grow your business so it can run without you there! As a result, you can focus on impact for the rest of your days!  

What Will Your Next 90 Days Look Like? 

When you implement Expert Ownership, in the first 90 days...

Your business will be setup so you can work ON it, not just IN it.

Your team will feel inspired and engaged by your vision.

You will be empowered and equipped to generate passive income.

Your desire for income will be directly tied to your dream for impact.

We will give you the exact steps you need to accomplish all of these things. Make the next 90 days the turning point you need.


Included in EO: Mastering Small Business:



Our blueprints that led to our business success.

Tools that will transform your business.

Mindsets and methods to make you a better leader.

The exact process we followed to build our Money Machine.

Our proven path to financial freedom.







What People are Saying


I finished Expert Ownership yesterday... it is one of the best courses I've ever done! It's exactly what I needed to provide the insight, guidance and confirmation, as God's calling me out of my corporate career into my own consulting and coaching business again.



Oh wow, Expert Ownership has been nothing but a blessing, a major one. It is so eye-opening. I have loved every single video, lots of great stuff to learn, but the part that stood out the most for me is the one of building your system. It challenged me so much because I never realized how important it is to have a system in place before you have anything else. 

I have found Expert Ownership very valuable. It is an intriguing presentation, packed with tremendous insights and filled with practical steps. I have had to watch segments multiple times, not because it's not explained well, but there is just a lot of information that I am working through. Thank you, thank you.

Love the 4s model breakdown and excited to see that software platform to help build it into our daily operations, but my favorite takeaway so far is the vision to become a See-ya-preneur. Love that as a goal for the many projects we are working on!

David and Jason - I just wanted to thank you for Expert Ownership. This is the map I have been looking for. I can implement this in every area of my life. It is so good!  This is changing so many things in my life and mindset.

I really enjoy the ‘system’ of Expert Ownership. I have completed Module 1 and I can see how it is a successful system building process that will not be easy and it will take time. I look forward to going through it.

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