Let Us Give You A Systems Level Approach To Get Your Business to Safe Harbor.
Our Flagship Small Business Assessment tool analyzes the 12 key areas of management attention for your company from the inside out to reveal your current strengths and areas that need improvement. We'll show you how to systemize your business so it doesn't own you!
GET STARTED TODAY FOR $495!What Is It and How Does It Work?
Hear from Our CEO...
The waters churning around a small business seem to always feel choppy.
Staff turnover. Clients late on payments. Inflation across the market. Never enough time.
No matter what the problem's cause, we both know who is normally left to find the solution.
The captain of the ship is on the hook at every level of responsibility.
And manning that helm is not easy, especially when you feel alone.
Listen, we have been there. And, after a lot of investment, self-reflection, and systemization, we were able navigate out of the choppy waters and into Safe Harbor. We've shown thousands of captains the way and now it's your turn!
We've Learned How to Build Thriving Businesses of Our Own.
And this includes having the constant wind in our sails that passive income creates.
That's what we want to see for you! We want that same wind to blow on your business and on your life. And it all starts with our Flagship Assessment.
This tool gives you a systems level radar ping so you'll be able to see your business, your current profit trajectory, and where the smoother waters are.
And on top of that, one of our MasterCoaches will help you take action on the results and chart a new course for the kind of freedom you dreamed of when you started your business in the first place!
The Flagship Assessment isn't the end; it's the beginning. And our hope is that you will take this first strategic step to find out precisely what's holding you back from owning a full potential business.
"This process has literally changed our entire business. It's so much easier to run a profitable operation!”
- Suzanne Locker
Small Business Owner
How It Works...

Simple Questions, Profound Results
These Strategic Questions Help To Pinpoint the Areas of Opportunity and Hidden Profit for the Business and for You.

Get 2 Hours of MasterCoaching
Meet With One of Our Master Coaches to Understand How Your Ship Measures Up on Performance, Systemization, Standardization, and Scalability.

A Comprehensive Plan
From End to End, Our MasterCoaches Leave No Gaps In Making Sure You Know What To Do For The Next Year to Get Your Business to Full Potential.
Why You Need It...

Kickstart Your Growth
This process gives an owner the proper knowledge and tools to position the company for significant and sustainable growth.

See Your Blind Spots
Your assessment highlights the most overlooked solutions to growth & consistent excellence.

Chart A New Course
Your custom business development map will give you unparalleled clarity so you know exactly what to do, in what order, and how to implement correctly.
Who Is It For...
Business Owners
The Flagship is for Sole Proprietors and Seasoned Owners alike who want to get biblically based systems, practices, and procedures in place for accountability, focus, and performance.
If you're considering buying or investing in a business and need critical data about a company and its operations, the Flagship is for you!
Organizational Leaders
Anyone wanting managers to take full ownership, and who will guide their team to be vision driven will find the Flagship a perfect fit!